Mission Statement: Foundations Of Get Recovered Ministries

Christian Church

Get Recovered Ministries Christian Church was founded in the belief that communities must learn to help themselves. Our work is founded on the following five pillars of faith:


  • A duty to reach out to those who suffer from the stronghold of sin, addictions, mental illness and other compulsive disorders through offering an opportunity to actively participate in our worship service.
  • An obligation to have an active role in the community. "Jesus said feed My sheep," through fellowship. We feed those in the community through our fishnet program and clothing through or clothes closet.
  • An all-inclusive approach: We help everyone regardless of their religious beliefs through the discipleship  of the Word to all His people.
  • Acceptance of the fact that we, too, may someday require assistance in our time of need though our outreach missions.
  • The path to salvation lies in ministering to the needs of God's people through service.



Find out more about our people and the history of GRMCC.

Contact Us:


Address: 7166 Winchester # 106

Telephone: 662-408-7987

Join our Worship Service at 9:00am

Bible Study and Intercessory prayer each Wednesday on the app at 6:30 pm. Just put in GRMCC to join.




Or use our contact form.

What Keeps Us Going

"We lost our home during a fire. I  also lost my job and was really struggling to meet my needs. One night we went to bed hungry. The next day the ministers were at my door with several bags of groceries and a financial donation from one of its members. Without the generous support of Get Recovered Ministries and its volunteers, I don't know how we would have coped during those difficult times."


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© Get Recovered Ministries Christian Church